Please be aware that there will be some construction work at the library, that there may be increased levels of noise, and that certain collections may be relocated or temporarily unavailable from July 31st through September 4th.  This is a necessary disruption to protect the library building and collections as much as possible from future flood damage. Thank you for your patience and understanding!



What is happening at the library?

In short, we are moving the children’s collection out of the lower level, and relocating the teen collection to the lower level space.


Why is the library doing this?

While the staff and trustees of Rye Free Reading Room explores long term flood solutions, this is one immediate step that we can take to ensure that core collections are protected and available to readers of all ages.

One strategy is relocating certain materials from the lower level, and raising the height of other collections. Relocating the Children’s Collections to the Mezzanine and First Floor ensure they can still be accessed by children, and are removed from the flood zone. The Teen Room and the Teen Collections will be moved to the lower level, and the bookcases will be installed a minimum of 4 feet off the ground, above the estimated water level for 100 year flood events.


When is the work taking place?

We will begin moving materials during the week of July 31st. Construction will begin August 7th, and should be completed by September 4th. The library will be open regular hours during that time, though there may be some additional noise while the work is being done.


What other steps has the library taken to keep protect the building and collection?

In addition to the collection relocations, the library raised all the electrical outlets on the lower level, and removed electrical outlets from the floor. The library has also purchased easy to install flood barriers, which will protect the electrical and mechanical equipment that cannot be raised, such as the elevator, sewage pumps, and other key infrastructure pieces.


Who can I contact if I have questions?

Any questions can be directed to Chris Shoemaker, Director at RyeLibrary (dot) org

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